With the new day

comes new strength and new thoughts.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Note to the Follower

You may be wondering why you are here at this page and what it is that this blog will add to your day. If it will add nothing to your day then you know you might as well not be here. You may find comfort in knowing that if this blog does in fact add nothing to your day then it will be as if you never were here and there's no harm done. Below I have provided further details for your post-blog experience.

[1] You have found something here to take with you. I have said something worth saying and you are thanking me for this blog. I accept your thanks.

[2] You are leaving with nothing. Perhaps you will try again... perhaps not. I will not apologize at this point, for it's as if you were never here and I find it unnecessary to apologize for something that never happened. Thank you for never coming to my blog. You would have been a waste of bandwidth.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

    Why wouldn't it be ok to move to an island all on your own and just exist? You have food, you have water, you have things to do that keep you occupied. But why do you and I both have this understanding that this living situation would only be ok for so long before it would cease to be ok and would in fact become detrimental. This of course is an extreme case of existing with out others and a better and perhaps less extreme example would be life with out cell phones, email, or facebook.

        Right now you are reading this and thinking.... "yeah.....and....?.... Don't flatter yourself to think you've come across something that hasn't already been covered and looked into by many people before you Ally."

            Knowing that this is most likely your thought process pushes me to get to the point as quickly as possible, so here it is... I have spent my whole life with the attitude that I don't need anybody. I love people and I have lots of dear dear friends who mean a lot to me but I honestly have been confident that if need be I could do this on my own. The older I get and the more aware I become of my existence and how it relates to the existence of others I'm realizing that I do need everyone, in fact it's kind of scary thinking of not having anyone.

                I talk to this old man in church every Sunday. He waits for me in the same spot drinking his coffee just looking forward to a three minute conversation with me. He takes no pains to hide the fact that he appreciates me and our talks. His face lights up when I walk over to him and I just know that his week has been changed for the better just by me taking time to say hello. At first I have to admit i found this tragic.. I kept thinking about how much it's going to suck to get old and be so needy and alone. But I was being naive to my own situation. If it weren't for my friends, family, cell phone, email, and facebook I would probably be much less shy about letting people know how much I appreciate them, in part because I would actually become more aware of it myself.

                    Strange as it may sound I hope I can be more like this old man and I'm gonna try to be. I am surrounded by the most amazing people that I would hate to ever be with out and I want them to know that every time they say hello to me.

                        This is a rather deep post that I should probably delete and not publish but... I'm going to anyway. If it's not up by tomorrow you'll know what happened to it though lol

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