With the new day

comes new strength and new thoughts.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Note to the Follower

You may be wondering why you are here at this page and what it is that this blog will add to your day. If it will add nothing to your day then you know you might as well not be here. You may find comfort in knowing that if this blog does in fact add nothing to your day then it will be as if you never were here and there's no harm done. Below I have provided further details for your post-blog experience.

[1] You have found something here to take with you. I have said something worth saying and you are thanking me for this blog. I accept your thanks.

[2] You are leaving with nothing. Perhaps you will try again... perhaps not. I will not apologize at this point, for it's as if you were never here and I find it unnecessary to apologize for something that never happened. Thank you for never coming to my blog. You would have been a waste of bandwidth.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday - The back stabber

Sunday's are little back stabbers in my opinion.

FRIDAY: You have a good Friday night after a long day at school. Nothing can go wrong on Friday night because you're just so elated that you're done with the week.

SATURDAY: Saturday is exactly what it claims to be. Neither good nor bad by nature. It always feels like the make or break for the weekend...you have a bad Saturday, you have a bad weekend. You have a good Saturday, you have a good weekend. It's fairly straight forward.

SUNDAY: Then Sunday comes to remind you that the weekend isn't over yet and you can redeem your weekend if need be. Except that that's a lie! Those extra moments you spent in bed on Sunday morning thanking God it's not Monday, turn out to be 1/3 of your day and the other 2/3 pass by so fast that before you know it you're back in bed wondering where your glorious Sunday went.

In short, I feel that Sundays only exist to remind you that they don't exist and your weekend is officially over.

I already blogged today and I feel that blogging twice is as awkward as it is sad, but i was just thinking about this concept and had to write it down. Try not to judge.

1 comment:

  1. I have have to 100% agree. On Sunday you're kind of happy because you still have some time to relax...but then at the same time you know that you can't really relax because you have to start the week again really soon.
