Today after school while I was cutting across the roads and parking lots toward my vehicle I realized something. Everyday on the route to and from my car I cross traffic with out even looking up... I just wander out into the middle of the road with the assumption that everyone will stop for me.
A few more months and I'll be graduated and done with my bachelors degree in the Biomedical Sciences. This is something I should be proud of and for that matter all of the 2010 graduating class should be proud of (cheers!). It's a big deal. For myself however, I feel I am not walking gracefully away from college into a world of possibilities... instead I'm wandering out of Grand Valley into a world that does not take so kindly to jaywalking.
I don't believe that the origin of the term "jaywalking" is understood by all who use it. But then again, how many terms such as this are actually completely understood? "throw in the towel"? "spill the beans"? I think you get the point.
Jaywalking is a term used in reference to Jaybirds who would venture out of their rural forests and into urban areas only to become confused. They often would end up endangering their lives as they would walk anywhere they wanted... including into traffic.
I feel right now that the chances of me getting hit will increase greatly once I leave the safe haven of campus life. Me making decisions based on limited knowledge of what I want for my life seems in many ways parallel to the little Jaybird making the decision to walk into traffic based on limited knowledge of what danger awaits.
To end this post on a lighter note...
Jaybirds definitely have found a place in my heart. Apparently we're kindred spirits.