With the new day

comes new strength and new thoughts.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Note to the Follower

You may be wondering why you are here at this page and what it is that this blog will add to your day. If it will add nothing to your day then you know you might as well not be here. You may find comfort in knowing that if this blog does in fact add nothing to your day then it will be as if you never were here and there's no harm done. Below I have provided further details for your post-blog experience.

[1] You have found something here to take with you. I have said something worth saying and you are thanking me for this blog. I accept your thanks.

[2] You are leaving with nothing. Perhaps you will try again... perhaps not. I will not apologize at this point, for it's as if you were never here and I find it unnecessary to apologize for something that never happened. Thank you for never coming to my blog. You would have been a waste of bandwidth.

Friday, March 12, 2010

It Is As You Will It.

It's nearing the end of spring break and it is officially the end of my two week babysitting job. It's the most bitter sweet moment I've experienced in a while. I don't know whether to celebrate that I'm free for the next few days or cry because I only have a few days left before classes start again. I'm a rather pessimistic person I'm beginning to realize so I'm sure I will go with the 'cry because I only have a few days left' option. I can not freely label most thoughts I have as pessimistic however. I think I have a great outlook on life when it come to my future, I think I just worry WAY to much, which is why this idea of school starting up again is harassing me with thoughts of what I will need to do once Monday comes.

SO I have decided that I am going to discontinue planning until after summer. My last plan here is to graduate and my first plan after that is to not plan a thing. I like it.

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